Surgery Clinics

Below lists the clinics and services that we provide here at Barnabas Medical Centre with our Nurses and Health Care Assistants.

If you would like to book one of these clinics, please book your appointment online, or contact us on 020 8864 4437.


  • 24 Hour BP Checks/Monitoring
    Anti-Coagulation Monitoring
    Asthma/COPD Checks
    Baby Clinic & 8 Week Checks
    Cervical Cytology Clinic (Smear Tests)
    Diabetic Monitoring
    Ear Syringing
    Family Planning Clinic
    Immunisations Clinic
    Minor Surgery Clinic
    Phlebotomy (Blood Tests)
    Postnatal Clinic
    Stop Smoking Service
    Travel Immunisations and Advice
    Wound Management